 0  4857  4865  4871  4875  4881  4883  4887  4893  4895  4901  4907  4911  4913  4917  4923  4925  4931  4935  4937  4941  4943  4947  4949  4951  4952  4953  4955  4956  4957  4959  4961  4965  4967  4971  4973  4977  4983  4985  4991  4995  4997  5001  5007  5013  5015  5021  5025  5027  5033  5037  5043  5051  97155 

科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

1、1.That is a backpack.(对划线部分提问) 

_______ that_______ Eng1ish?

2.Her pencil is green.(对划线部分提问)

_______ is her pencil? 

3.My ping-pong bats are on the desk.(对划线部分提问)  

_______ _______ your ping-pong bats?

4.I have a volleyball(一般疑问句) 

_______ you_______ a volleyball?

5.Sonia has 5 balls.(否定句)

Sonia_______ _______ 5 balls.


科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

34、Everyone is talking about how much money they got in their red envelopes(红包).But an even more important question than "How much did you get?" is "What are you going to do with it?" Well, one thing you could do is to put it in the bank--it's easier than you think.

In fact, some students in Hubei Province began using the Xiaogui Dangjia bank card this year.It's a bank card for kids, and it's given out by Minsheng Bank's Wuhan branch(支行).

"Now all my pocket money has a place to go," said Song Wei, who is a Junior l at the  Wuluolu Middle School in Wuhan."1 can't wait to use the card to pay my own school fees(费用)."

Wang Hong, a manager at Minsheng Bank, said, "We have talked to lots of students and have found they don't think much about what money is, where it comes from or how to use it carefully.They just spend all their money on whatever they want and then ask their parents for more," Wang Said.

 School kids today are getting more money.At one school in Shanghai.205 students got about 500,000 yuan in their red envelopes in total this year.But parents worry that the kids don't know how to take care of the money by themselves.

 Zhang Shan's mother likes the card.Zhang, a Junior 2 in Wuhan, bas been asking for a computer for a long time, but his mother hasn't bought him one."We want him to use this card to save money for the computer step by step," she said. "If we buy everything be asks for, he would think that money comes too easily, and he won't work hard for it."

Experts say that understanding personal finances(经济状况) is important and should be taught early."Those who start saving early will continue the habit when they grow up," said Wang Min, a financial expert in Wuhan, "It's better to teach kids how to fish rather than just feeding them fish."

1.What does the passage mainly talk about?

2.How does Song Wei want to use the money from his red envelope?

3.Why do Zhang Shan's parents want him to save money for the computer step by step?'

4.What is the average(平均)amount of money the 205 students at the Shanghai school       received in their red envelopes this year?

5.According to the passage, what do parents think of the students' putting money in the      bank?




科目: 来源:czyy 题型:


shoe   grow   full   foot   come   if   side   by   expensive   pair  cheap  difficult

At a certain age, children's feet begin 1         very quickly.Their parents have to keep buying new 2         for them.Are your feet still growing? How good 2         our shoes could grow, too.But maybe they can!

 A British company 4         up With shoes that grow with your feet.The INCH worm trainers use a technology called iFit.The shoes can stretch(拉长)by one 5      size.Each pair of shoes has three sizes.Press a button in the 6        of the shoe and pull the toe out to the length you need.

 According to the makers, the shoes don't stretch 7.         accident and they can stand the 8.         playground workouts(测试).

 But at 47.99(662 yuan), the~ are not 9         . Peter Craig from INCHworms said they have already sold five hundred 10.        

He added: "They are also great for kids who have one foot bigger than the other."







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科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

29、Around 32 percent(百分率) of the Internet users in China are students, while last year nearly 94 million citizens(市民)logged on as users, a new survey has shown.Numbers show an overall growth of 18.2 percent this year, according to a report given by the China Internet Network Information Centre last Wednesday.Students were the largest group of Net users.Professionals accounted for 12 percent and 9 percent were working in the business and service sectors, the report said.

It also found that more users are relying on(依靠) the Web to get information. About 6.3 percent of those surveyed said they use it as an educational tool.

  Email services, news sites and search engines were given as the top sites for users.Nearly nine out of ten users say email is the most important function of the Internet. About 65 percent of them believe that reading news is the second most important function the Internet provides.

  Nearly 68 percent of users say they use the Internet at home, while about 40 percent use it in the office, Internet bars and at school.More than half of all Internet users are below the age of 25.And males account for more than 60 percent of them.

However, the number of people using cyberbank(网络银行) services failed to rise by much because of safety.Only 5 percent said they use the service in their daily lives.

But Wang Gang, manager of the Industrial and Commercial Bank(工商银行)of China's Cyberbank Section, is optimistic(乐观的).He believes the coming 10 years will become a "golden" cyberbank time in China.

1.Which of tile following is the number of Internet users in China this year?

A.94,000,000           B.30,080,000             C.111,108,000     D.35,554,560

2.According to the survey, which was the largest group of Net users last 5ear?

A.professionals                   B.students   

C.businessmen                  D.people in tile service sectors

3.People mainly use the internet for

A.information            B.playing gain            C.music        D.sending emails

4.What does tile underlined phrase "failed to rise" mean?

A.rose greatly           B.rose slowly            C.began to fall    D.didn't rise

5.Which statement is NOT correct as a description of China's net users?

A.There are more male net citizens than female net citizens.

B.People prefer to get on line at home and in the office.

C.Internet is very popular among young people.

D.For safety reasons, few people use cyberbank service.


科目: 来源:czyy 题型:


提示:the way the teacher treat others, the way to ask questions, student’s right to ask


Dear Qingqing,






科目: 来源:czyy 题型:



1、 感谢邀请;2.婉言谢绝;3.说明理由;4.邀请她寒假到你家来。





科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

26、1.你准备和谁去。 __________ are you ____________ with?


      You should see a ____________ if you have a ______________.


     It takes Bill half an hour _________ _________ his homework every day.


       ________ very difficult _______ have a healthy lifestyle.


      We should help to ___________ the balance of ___________.

6.—今天什么日子?  —星期一,14号。

—__________ today?          —It’s ___________, the 14th.

7.那听起来很有趣。       That __________ ___________.


She says milk is _________ _________ my health.


What do you _________ ________ the transportation in your town?


   Can you _________ _________ to my house to help me with my English?







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