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1198] Is this tower _____ the foreign friends paid a visit _____ the other day?

[译文] 这就是外国朋友参观的那个塔吗?

  A. that; to   B. the one; to

  C. which; /   D. one; /

[答案及简析] B。 该题考查定语从句的先行词。


1197] Don’t lose hope _____ search _____ your missing son.

[译文] 不要丧失寻找你丢失的儿子的希望。

  A. in; /   B. of; /

  C. of; for   D. in; for

[答案及简析] D。 in search of / for 寻找。


1196] The newly-built bridge ______ the beauty of the city.

[译文] 新修的大桥增添了城市的美丽。

  A. is added to   B. adds up to

  C. adds to   D. adds up

[答案及简析] C。 add to 增添,增加;add up to指数目加起来。


1195] The firefighters _____ up the stairs to _____ out the fires.

[译文] 消防队员们冲上楼梯把火扑灭了。

  A. walked; set   B. put; rushed

  C. rushed; put   D. rushed; go

[答案及简析] C。 put out扑灭,主语应该是人;go out 熄灭,主语是物。


1194] John is one of the students who _____ to China.

[译文] John是去过中国的学生之一。

  A. have gone   B. has been

  C. has been   D. have been

[答案及简析] D。 one of 后面的名词应该是复数;定语从句中的谓语动词用复数。


1193] The play is OK. When do you intend _____ at the theatre?

[译文] 这个剧本不错。你们打算什么时候在戏院演出?

  A. to put it on   B. to put on it

  C. puts it on   D. to putting it on

[答案及简析] A。 intend to do sth. 打算做什么;代词应该放在put on 中。


1192] _____ a doctor, his salary was 1,000 yuan per month.

[译文] 作为一个医生,他的工资红色每月1,000元。

  A. For   B. As

  C. Like   D. To

[答案及简析] B。 as作为…,担任…。


1191] The meat in the fridge, _____ is very fresh, is enough for all of us.

[译文] 冰箱里的肉,大部分很新鲜,够咱们吃的了。

  A. much of which   B. many of which

  C. much of them   D. many of them

[答案及简析] A。 meat 是不可数名词。


1190] A knife and fork _____ on the table.

[译文] 一付刀叉在桌上。

  A. are   B. is

  C. has been   D. are lying

[答案及简析] B。 a knife and fork 是一对不可分割的名词,一般用单数;如water and salt, steel and iron, bread and butter


1189] Miss Evans works in _____, so she knows ____.

[译文] Evans在一家戏院工作,所以她知道很多关于戏剧的知识。

  A. theatre; many theatres   B. a theatre; many theatre

  C. a theatre; much theatre   D. theatre; much theatre

[答案及简析] C。 theatre 作戏院讲时是可数名词;作戏剧讲时是不可数。

