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1608] They were very excited to see the baby tiger _____ by the mother dog.

[译文] 他们很激动地看到小老虎受到了狗妈妈的悉心照料。

  A. take good care of   B. taking little car of

  C. taken good care of   D. to take some care of

[答案及简析] C。 过去分词短语作宾补。


1607] Jim found two large cocks _____ in front of the house and he took a picture.

[译文] Jim发现两只大公鸡在屋前打架,她就把它你们照下来了。

  A. fight   B. fighting

  C. fought   D. to fight

[答案及简析] B。 find sb. doing …发现…正在…。


1606] I have had lunch before you came back. The rest in the dishes _____ for you.

[译文] 我已经在你回来之前吃过午饭了。碗里剩下的是留给你的。

  A. is   B. are

  C. is not   D. are not

[答案及简析] A。 rest 代替的是午饭,只能是单数。


1605] The officer insisted the young girl _____ the robber and set her free.

[译文] 军官坚持说这个年轻姑娘不是抢劫犯,并释放了她。

  A. is   B. is not

  C. was   D. was not

[答案及简析] D。 insist 后面的从句表达的意思如果是坚持说,就不用虚拟语气。


1604] _____ made the boy terribly beaten by the devil lord.

[译文] 损坏机器使他遭受到狠毒上司的一顿毒打。

  A. He broke the machine   B. Because he broke the machine

  C. His breaking the machine   D. His broken the machine

[答案及简析] C。 动名词短语做主语。


1603] I can’t find the house _____ we met the strange old man last week.

[译文] 我找不到我们上周遇见那个奇怪老头的房屋。

  A. which   B. what

  C. that   D. where

[答案及简析] D。 定语从句,先行词the house在从句中充当地点状语。


1602] I bought a used Longman Dictionary yesterday. It ____ me only twenty yuan.

[译文] 我昨天只花了20元买了本Longman 词典。

  A. spent   B. cost

  C. used   D. took

[答案及简析] B。 sth. cost sb. $. 句型。


1601] For reducing the hardship of farming, he _____ interest _____ making farming machines.

[译文] 为了减少农业的劳动强度,他对制造农业机械很感兴趣。

  A. had some; at   B. was very; in

  C. took much; in   D. got little; for

[答案及简析] C。 take interest in对…感兴趣。


1600] Although he knew he had no chance to win, he _____ .

[译文] 尽管他知道他没有机会赢,他还是坚持要试一试。

  A. insists to try   B. insists on trying

  C. insisted to try   D. insisted on trying

[答案及简析] D insist表示坚持做什么,只能接了介词on后方能跟动名词。



1599] Is the Titanic for making the film "Titanic" still _____?

[译文] 拍成电影《泰坦尼克号》的这首船还在海上吗?

  A. at sea   B. in sea

  C. by sea   D. on sea

[答案及简析] A。 at sea 在海上;by sea 走海路;on the sea在船上;in the sea在海中。

