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3. 对于一些连词和句型,也可以设计一些半开放性的作业题。如,

①Yesterday evening I was about to go out when_____________________.

②Only___________________________ can you speak English very well.

③I should have come here earlier; but____________________________.


2. 每上完一个课时后,可以要求学生尽可能多地用该节课所学的语言词汇知识编写一个对话或故事或者一篇短文 (Please try to use some of the useful expressions to make up a new passage.)。这样不仅巩固了所学的语言知识,训练了言语技能,而且还培养了学生的想象力。



1. 在让学生回答一般问句时,要求学生在作肯定或否定回答的同时,必须附上一个与人不同的句子。这样会拓展学生思维,促使学生想象,得出极富生活气息的回答。下面是我们要求学生回答“Have you ever been to Beijing?”时,一组同学的答案:

Yes, I have. It’s very exciting to be there.

Yes, I have. I’ll never forget it. …

No, I haven’t. How I wish to go there.

No, I haven’t. But I wish some day I could go there. …



教高一 Unit 19 Jobs Lessons 74-75 The Secret is Out可以不断地更换人称让学生复述:①Suppose you are Mr. Pattis / Mr. Little. Try to tell the story about Ms King. ②Suppose you are Ms King. Try to tell the story about yourself. 还可要求学生将其改为四个短剧,然后进行表演。

教高一 Unit 22 Lessons 86-87 Britain and Ireland, 教高二 Unit 1 Disneyland, Unit 7 Canada Lesson 26等课文时,可以引导学生想象自己是导游,为游客作介绍:Suppose you are a guide. Please make an introduction of Britain/ Ireland/ Disneyland/ Canada to a group of visitors.


4. What questions could you raise according to the title?

例如,在教学高二Lesson46 ESCAPE FROM THE ZOO时,我们首先告诉学生Today we’re going to listen to news on the radio. The title of the news is ESCAPE FROM THE ZOO.并板书课题。接着向学生提出What would you think of according to the title? 引导学生提出、思考、讨论一连串的问题:Who or what kind of animal has escaped from the zoo? When did it escape from the zoo? Why did it escaped from the zoo? Will it attack people? What would happen to it? 这样让学生去质疑、去猜测、去想象,根据各自的推测,得出多彩的答案。从而激起学生想听新闻内容印证自己答案的欲望。


3. What would you write about this title if you were the writer?


2. What would you like to know about from this passage?

