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6. -- May I take your order now?  -- ____.

-- OK. I'll come back in a few minutes. (05名校示范卷)

A. Please bring us the bill

B. No, everything is fine

C. Yes, we would love to

D. No, not yet. We need more time



5. -- Why didn't you tell Ann the truth?

-- ____. (2005 名校示范卷)

A. Yes, I was afraid to be scolded by her

B. No, but I wanted to

C. But I did

D. I always hate telling lies


4.-- At lunchtime, I'd like to have a chat (闲谈) with you.

-- ____ Have what with me?

A. I apologize.  B. Pardon?  C. I see.  D. Forgive me.


3. -- I was going to organize a picnic but finally decided against it.  --How could you do that? ____. (05名校示范)

A. Everybody will be disappointed

B. There's nothing to feel sorry about

C. I think you deserve it

D. Well, it all depends


2. -- I just heard that the tickets for tonight's show have been sold out.   --Oh no! ____. (2005 名校示范卷)

A. I was looking forward to that

B. It doesn't matter

C. I knew it already

D. It's not at all interesting


1. -- What's your head teacher like?

--  ____. (2005 名校示范卷)

A. He looks like my father

B. He is an excellent teacher

C. He likes music very much

D. He works very hard


8. You'll find this map of great ____ in helping you to get round London. (NMET 1998)

A. price  B. cost   C. value   D. usefulness




-- Give me two tickets for the 8 : 00 show.

-- The 8 : 00 show tickets are sold out.

-- ____.

A. Thank you.    B. Why didn't you keep one for me?

C. What a shame!   D. Never mind.

[答案与解析]C  这道题考查的是英语中失望的表达方式。根据上下文可知。一方想“买两张演出票”,而对方却说“票卖完了”,那么买票方的反应会是“真可惜! (C项)”而不可能是“谢谢(A项)”、或质问对方“为什么不给我留票?(B项)”或“没关系(D项)”。故只有C项正确。



① What a shame!       ② What a pity!

③ It's a pity / shame that...

④ Everybody will be disappointed..

例如:It's a pity that you missed yesterday's football game. It was exciting. 你错过了昨天的足球赛真是太可惜了,很精彩的。

[考点2]怎样用英语表达因没弄明白或是出于好奇而“想知道” -- Paul, I'd like to have a talk with you at tea break.  -- ____ Have what with me?

A. Yes, please.     B. Sorry?

C. Thanks.      D. You're welcome.

[答案与解析]B  这道题考查的是对别人说话的反应。根据上下文可知,一方“喝茶时想跟你谈谈”.而对方没有听清楚(“要跟我做什么?”),所以应说声“对不起”。故只有B项正确。


① I wonder what / who--    ② I'm curious to...

③ I wonder if / whether     ④ I'm curious about...

⑤ I really want to know...    ⑥ I'd love to know...

⑦ What I'd really like to find out is...

⑧ I'd like to know more about...

例如:I'd like to know more about it. 我想了解更多。-- You can surf the Internet or go to visit it yourself. 你可以去网上查查或亲自去看看。



7. We advertised for pupils last autumn, and got ____ 60. (1998 上海)

A. more than  B. more of  C. as much as D. so many as


6. After supper she would sit down by the fire, sometimes for ____ an hour, thinking of her young and happy days. (2003 上海春招)

A. as tong as     B. as soon as

C. as much as     D. as many as


5. Americans eat ____ vegetables per person today as they did in 1910. (2002 上海春招)

A. more than twice    B. as twice as many

C. twice as many as    D. more than twice as many

