0  446926  446934  446940  446944  446950  446952  446956  446962  446964  446970  446976  446980  446982  446986  446992  446994  447000  447004  447006  447010  447012  447016  447018  447020  447021  447022  447024  447025  447026  447028  447030  447034  447036  447040  447042  447046  447052  447054  447060  447064  447066  447070  447076  447082  447084  447090  447090 

104. I’m surprised that you should have beenfooled by such a/an  trick.

 A. ordinary           B.easy             C.smart              D.simple


103. In that case, there is nothing you cando   thanwait.

 A. more              B.other            C.better            D.any.


102. Have a good rest. You need to    your energy for the tennis match thisafternoon.

 A. leave              B.save             C.hold            D.get


101. Many people have helped with cannedfood, however, the food bank needs   for the poor.

 A. more              B.much            C.many            D.most


100. I read about it in some book or other,does it matter  it was?

 A. where             B.what            C.how             D.which


99. Mr Smith, there is a man at   front door whosays he has   newsfor you of great importance.

 A. the; /              B.the; the          C./; /              D./; the


98. Rainforests   and burned at sucha speed that they will disappear from the earth in the near future.

 A. cut                B.are cut            C.are being cut       D.had been cut


97. Oh, I’m not feeling well in thestomach. I   somuch fried chicken just now.

 A. shouldn’t eat       B.mustn’t have been   C. shouldn’thave been  D. mustn’t eat


96. The cakes are delicious. He’d like to   third one because   second is rather toosmall.

 A. a; a               B.the; the          C.a; the            D.the; a


95. The teacher told the class to   their books.

 A. put away              B.put by           C.put on           D.put up

