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32. If you feel tired and sick of fatty foods, that is _____ you have to go to the hospital for a medical examination.

A. why   B. when    C. whether   D. what


31. The police finally got to _____ was once an old temple _____ the villagers used as a school.

A. which; what      B. what; that    C. where; which   D. what; where


30. ----- Have you passed the final examination?     ----- Yes. I’m lucky to have _____ it.

A. got through        B. got over   C. got cross   D. got into


29. I was really _____ by what she said. It seemed so believable.

A. taken off          B. taken out          C. taken away     D. taken in


28. Though the girls are unable to speak, they can make themselves understood _____ body language.

A. in honour of       B. in favour of      C. by means of    D. by comparison of


27. I wonder if _____ to come over to my family after work..

A. you are convenient     B. it’s convenient of you

C. it is convenient for you     D. there’s convenient to you


26. If you can give me a(n)_____ explanation for being so late, I’ll forgive you.

A. exact     B. reasonable        C. arbitrary       D. disturbing


25. Sorry to _____ you at night, but I have locked my keys in the office. I wonder if I can use your key to the office.

A. concern      B. inform        C. bother        D. tell


24. Don’t throw banana skins about! Someone might _____ over it and fall down.

A. react         B. knock            C. slide      D. slip


23. The man was about to give up when it suddenly _____ to him that this was something he should do.

A. happened      B. took place      C. occurred      D. broke out

