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   A few days ago I got on a bus and took a window seat.The bus 36 was by the seashore and I was watching the sea waves.After a few minutes the bus got to the next 37.A boy and a girl got on the bus.They were 38 when the bus took off.I glanced at them curiously and realized all the window 39 were occupied.They could have sat down but not together.Suddenly a(n) 40 passed through my mind.I 41 and offered them my seat.The young lady 42 and said,“Thank you very much.”Then we 43 ways after I moved to another seat.I don’t 44 whether I got off the bus before them or not.

   Months passed by.One day I was standing at the same bus stop when I heard a 45,“Excuse me,Uncle,”I glanced in the 46 of it.It was a beautiful young charming gir1.Puzzled, I said,“I don’t think I 47 you.”She said,“But I do.Do you remember you gave us your window seat?”I said,“Maybe,but what is so 48 in that?”She said,“Unc1e,you simply 49 like God for me.If you hadn’t given up your seat that day,I wouldn’t have sat with my friend.Our sitting 50 helped us a misunderstanding that had been 51 us.Do you know we are geeing 52 at the end of next month?”

   “53!God bless both of you,”I replied.The young lady thanked me again and went on with he 54.I realized the importance of giving that day! I also found that small things could 55 great happenings in life.

36、A、destination     B、route          C、travel             D、distance

37、A、town         B、shore         C、village             D、stop

38、A、standing      B、sitting         C、speaking           D、quarrelling

39、A、benches       B、seats          C、areas              D、spaces

40、A、thought       B、concern        C、feeling             D、opinion

41、A、got off       B、stood up       C、went back          D、sat down

42、A、jumped       B、frowned       C、passed             D、smiled

43、A、spent         B、hoped         C、parted             D、1eft

44、A、remember     B、decide         C、care              D、think

45、A、warning       B、noise          C、voice              D、scream

46、A、point         B、direction       C、way              D、place

47、A、know        B、mind          C、understand          D、meet

48、A、mysterious     B、strong         C、great              D、proud

49、A、contributed   B、showed        C、started            D、acted

50、A、together       B、away          C、along             D、aside

51、A、with         B、against        C、between           D、within

52、A、married       B、promoted       C、connected          D、lost

53、A、Terrible       B、Possible        C、Sorry             D、Good

54、A、visit         B、journey        C、tour              D、study

55、A、invent        B、achieve        C、get              D、create


35、―Is it that the spaceship will be launched within this week?

   ―No,I don’t think so

   A、probably       B、perhaps        C、possibly           D、likely


34、A child learning to talk doesn’t learn by______ all the time.If_______ too much,he will stop talking.

    A、correcting;correcting             B、being corrected;correcting

    C、correcting;corrected            D、being corrected;corrected


33、He has never got a_____ job,because he travels around the world most of his time.

    A、positive        B、perfect        C、permanent         D、punctual


32、____over 20 countries,she wants to settle down in Beijing and expects happy family life here

   A、Traveling       B、To have traveled C、Having traveled       D、To trave1


31、I enjoy the movie very much,how I wish I_______ the book from which it was made.

    A、read          B、had read       C、have read           D、will read

