0  439683  439691  439697  439701  439707  439709  439713  439719  439721  439727  439733  439737  439739  439743  439749  439751  439757  439761  439763  439767  439769  439773  439775  439777  439778  439779  439781  439782  439783  439785  439787  439791  439793  439797  439799  439803  439809  439811  439817  439821  439823  439827  439833  439839  439841  439847  439851  439853  439859  439863  439869  439877  447090 

47.  _____ food you’ve cooked!

A. how a nice     B. What a nice       C. How nice     D. What nice


46.  He had a wonderful time last night , ______?

A. did he           B. had he       C. hadn’t he      D. didn’t he


45.  He will come to see you the moment he _____ his work .

A. will finish     B. had finished  C. would finish  D. finishes


44.  The couple dare not have a party in their flat in case the neighbours complain, ______.

A. dare they      B. do they       C. don’t they     D. daren’t they


43.  It was a most relaxing day for those students , ______ for the first time in months they didn’t have to do extra assignments.

A. that         B. while        C. which        D. when


42.  Rose wrote an essay longer than required , ______ her teacher had not expected.

A. what         B. as           C. when        D. which


41.  He refused to listen to the suggestions ______ he give up and said he would try.

A. that         B. if           C. which        D. before


40.  From the way ______ one spends money , we can see ______he really values in life.

A. /…what    B. which…how    C. that…which  D. /…whatever


39.  Americans get uncomfortable ______ a person stands too close .

A. unless        B. when        C. as           D. till


38.  I don’t suppose anyone will volunteer , ______?

A. do I          B. don’t I      C. will they      D. won’t they

