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3. have a large population (audience, staff)   at large 逍遥自在   a tiger at large


2. lack 缺A lack of food caused her to grow weak. 

The plants died due to a complete lack of water.  though/by/from/for lack of 由…缺乏  

The flower died for lack of water.

   lack sth = be short of   lack money ,   be lacking in   He is lacking in courage.


1. labour  劳动, 劳力  The plan can saved much labour.

  They earn their living by their own labour .      a labour-saving machine


48. Please check the items in the bill.   Item by item  逐条的

高考词汇表 (J&K)

a traffic jam 交通阻塞  apple jam 果酱  He jammed all his clothes into his bag. 塞进     

jealous  羡慕的, 妒忌的  be jealous of nobody 

join the party ,  join sb in doing sth    

joint  结合处 , 共同的  joint action 联合行动 ,    joint efforts

play a joke on sb = make fun of sb = play a trick on sb   开…玩笑,取笑 

a practical joke 恶作剧    It's no joking .这不是开玩笑。(I am serious)

journey  旅行(陆上) go on a journey  journey to sp  trip, tour, travel, excursion

He was judged in public. 公开审理     as grave as a judge  象法官一样庄重

judging by / from 用于句首  Judging by his appearance, he didn’t pass the eximation.

jungle  热带雨林   woods    forest

junior  年少的    He is two years junior to me.   (senior, 年长的)

jury  陪审团

justice  公正,公平,正义  a sense of justice  a court of justice  法院

             treat sth with justice  公正对待…

keen eyes  敏锐的    My hearing is as keen as it used to be.

   be keen to do = be eager to do  渴望的   be keen on/about doing = be fond of doing

keep   Will you keep the seat for me ? 保留  keep sth under lock and key 保管

keep one's promise 遵守    keep silent保持     keep on doing sth 反复某一个动作      keep doing sth 持续    keep notes = keep diary 记笔记    keep accounts 记账

Keep the cold out.不让冷空气进来。  keep to 遵守   keep up with = catch up with

stop/prevent/ keep sb from doing   keep up 保持   Keep the right side up ! 请勿倒置!

kettle  水壶

key  钥匙   the key to the door     the key school 重点学校

kick the football  踢    kick out = fire sb 解雇…

kidnap  绑架   kidnap the children

kill oneself  自杀      kill time 消磨时间

this kind of pen  这种类型笔  three pens of this kind  三支这种类型笔

three kinds of pens  三种类型的笔  all kinds of = a variety of  

kind of 有点   I felt kind of sorry for her.

kindly     in a kindly tone/voice 和蔼的语气

fly kites   放风筝

have a knack of doing  技能   He has a knack of making friends wherever he goes.

knee  膝    bring a person to one’s knees   使…屈服   fall on one’s knees  跪下

kneel down  跪下  He knelt down to look for the coin.  kneel at one’s feet  跪在某人脚下

knock against 撞上   Knock his head against the door.     knock down 撞倒

Do you know the answer to this question.    To know everything is to know nothing.

know of 听说过    I know of him but I don't know him. 

know about 了解    I know him but I don't know about him.

common knowledge  常识 , one-sided knowledge  片面的知识

have a knowledge of = have an understanding of  对…有所了解  have a good command of

bring sth to one’s knowledge …  come to one’s knowledge  使某人知道

to the best of one’s knowledge = as far as I know

高考词汇表 (l)


47. issue  发行   issue sth    the latest isd of the magazine 杂志最新一期

   have an issue of 1,000 copies   有十万册的发行量


45. involve 包括, 陷于  be involved in 牵涉  be involved in doing 专心致志于…


44. inviting   吸引人的    The food looks inviting .


43. decline one's invitation = turn down one's invitation 拒绝邀请 at the invitation of 因…邀请


42. invisible  看不见的, 无形的  invisible ink隐形墨水  an invisible man


41. investigate 调查  investigate the cause of the plane crash.调查飞机失事原因

         investigate into = look into 深入调查  look into the matter

