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12. matter 麻烦事,物质Matter exists in three states in the natural.大自然中物质存在三种状态。

  a matter of life and death.   What's the matter with you ?

  money matters  金钱问题  She is very honest in money matters.

  as the matter stands = as matters stand 按目前情况

  要紧   It doesn't matter whether we go together or separately?   


11. match  相配 (go with)    No one can match her at class.


10. master sth = have a good command of = have a grasp of  精通, 掌握 


9. marry  结婚  marry sb    be married to sb   I married him two years ago.

    I got married.     We have been married for two years.


8. get high marks  得高分  a question mark  问号  Make a mark where you don’t understand. 

make one’s marks  成功,出名 That boy is a hard worker, he will make his mark.

mark 做记号于  mark the place  The moon landings marked the beginning of a new era. 标志


7. the international market 国际市场     the domestic/home market 国内市场 


6. many a boy + 单 = many boys + 复


5. Mind your manners.注意礼貌。     good manners 好礼貌 


4. man , mankind , human being人类  The army made a man of you.军队使你成为真正男人。


3. make   We made the airport in half an hour. 赶到    make a cup of coffee

   make an effort  做出  make a promise   make a plan  制定   make a price

   make sb do    make a fire 生火     make noise    be made of /from

make up one's mind to do 下定决心去做…  make fun of 取笑  make... into ... 把…制成    make one's position known 表明立场   Make your self at home. 别拘束。

make a face 扮鬼脸   make ends meet 收支平衡     make one's way前去;去   make off with  带着…逃走   make merry 寻欢作乐    make trouble  制造麻烦   make no sense 无意义  make sense of   make profit 获利   make money 

make friends with   make arrangements of  make a dive for 向…冲去

make preparations for 为…做准备  make an excuse 找借口  make way for 给…让路    make use of 使用   make out 辨别出  make up for  弥补

make it 及时抵达,赶上,通过 It is already 9 a.m , and I am afraid that I can’t make it.

               It is a very difficult exam, are you sure you can make it?

make up 弥补(= make up for)  组成(= be made of)   编写  make up a story

