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18. halfway  在中途   meet sb halfway 在半路接…  I have halfway decided to go.(几乎)


17. You’d better do...   might as well do...    I'd rather do...


16. habit  习惯  be in the habit of 有做…习惯  cultivate(form) a habit of   养成… 

        break sb of a habit of doing 使…改掉…习惯


15. guilty  有罪的, 内疚的    He is guilty.

高考词汇表 (H)


14. guarantee 保证 ,担保  the guarantee of our victory   stand guarantee for sb 替某人担保     

      The watch is guaranteed for two years.手表保修期两年。   

 guarantee the payment of debt  保证偿还债务  guarantee sb from loss 保证…不受损失


13. keep one's feet on the ground   脚踏实地    fall to the ground   失败


12. be grateful to sb for doing感激;感谢  ( be thankful to sb for, thank sb for )

express one's gratitude to sb for doing 向…表示感激


11. grasp 抓住  have a grasp of = have a command of  掌握

     in one's grasp 在某人掌握中    grasp the meanings of the words 了解单词意思


10. graduate 大学毕业生   a graduate of FuDan university   graduate student  研究生

     graduate from  从…毕业    graduate with honours 以优等生毕业


9. for the good of 为了…好处   It's no good doing...做…没好处  for good = for ever 永久

do good to = be good for  对…有好处  Milk is good for our health.   

be good to = be kind to 对…友好    He is good to us.   be good at 擅长(do well in)

have a good time.   make good 取得成就   He went to Canada,where he soon made good.

