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2.(08·重庆理综·17)下列与能量有关的说法正确的是     (   )      





答案  B?

解析  卫星绕地球做圆周运动的向心力由卫星与地球之间的万有引力提供,即,由此式可得,故r越大,卫星动能越小,故A错.光电子的最大初动能,故随波长的减小而增大,B对.






考点1 基本概念的理解

1. (09·广东文科基础·58) 如图8所示,用一轻绳系一小球悬于O点。现将小球拉至水  平位置,然后释放,不计阻力。小球下落到最低点的过程中,下列表述正确的是     (  A  )







1)   慢一点!我跟不上你。(pace)

2)   这位运动员把成功归功于他的教练。(owe)

3)   你昨晚不应该熬夜。(ought)

4)   他在梦中想到了这个主意。(occur)

5)   昨天我要是乘出租车去就好了。(only)

6)   他独立完成了这项工作。(own)

7)   所有公民都必须遵守法律。(obey)

8)   我还没有收拾行李。(pack)

9)   Tom不会游泳,我也不会。(nor)

10) 我没有注意到他离开办公室。(notice)



order  overweight   opposite  outgoing  oppose  outline   optional   nowadays  observe  otherwise

1)     Most people _______ are aware of the importance of a healthy diet.

2)     One student performs the experiment, while his partner__________.

3)     Most bosses are ________ to employees working overtime. They don’t think it’s a good idea.

4)     I thought the medicine would make him sleep, but it had the _________ effect.

5)     Jamie is friendly, ____________ woman; she likes to meet and talk to new people.

6)     You’ll have to go now, ______________, you’ll miss your bus.

7)     He sat down at a table near the window and __________ a meal.

8)     The doctor said I was slightly _______ and that I needed more exercise.

9)     Write a short _________ covering the main points before you start on your essay.

10)   You don’t have to do the course --- it’s ___________.



1) --- Have you got a camera?  --- No. I should buy ________.

  A. it     B. any     C. one    D. some

2) I know what people are saying --- but _______ of it is true.

  A. none   B. no one   C. one   D. all

3) It’s ______ to feel nervous before an exam.

  A. ordinary  B. common   C. normal   D. usual

4) She’d looked everywhere for her glasses, but hey were ______________.

  A. nowhere found   B. to find nowhere   C. nowhere to find  D. nowhere to be found.

5) Dad loves fishing best; the hobby ________ most of his spare time.

  A. observes   B. occupies   C. costs   D. spends

6) Doctors believe only _________ tiny number of people _______ at risk.

  A. a; is   B. a; are   C. the; is   D. the; are

7) I can’t do everything ___________ --- You’ll have to be patient.

  A. all at once   B. just for once   C. once more  D. once upon a time.

8) I arrived only _______ that the others had already left.

  A. found  B. finding  C. to find  D. having found

9) The government ordered that for every tree cut down, two more _______ planted.

  A. could be  B. be   C. were   D. to be

10) _____________ a lack of funds, the project will not continue next year.

  A. Because   B. As a result   C. According to   D. Owing to



1)     Dave made a note ____________ her address and phone number.

2)     The hotel lies on a island _________ the coast of France.

3)     Are you doing anything special ______________ Saturday night?

4)     I don’t like it when the cat jumps ___________ my lap.

5)     They said they had cleaned up but there were beer bottles all ___________ the place.

6)     --- What’s your opinion ________ Cathy?  ---- She’s very lovely.

7)     Ann may be ________ her forties, but she looks very young.

8)     Doctors had to operate __________ his knee immediately.

9)     The boss is occupied ________ his business and has no time with his family.

10)   It is obvious ____________ everyone that the pet has been badly treated.



1)     A n________ family usually consists of a husband, a wife and their children.

2)     UFO stands for unidentified flying o_________.

3)     The Pacific O__________ covers one-third of the Earth’s surface.

4)     English is the major o___________ language of the USA.

5)     The manager is o_____________ and believes good things will happen in the future.

6)     Would you prefer rice or n_______________ ()?

7)     O____________ is necessary for most animals and plants to live.

8)     He had put on his o___________ () and was pulling the collar up over his ears.

9)     With China’s entry into t he World Trade O_____________ (), more foreigners are coming to Beijing to work, study and live.

10)   A large p_______________() has arrived for you.



1)  他对考试如此紧张而不能入睡。(nervous)

2)  在现代社会,掌握英语很有必要。(necessary)

3)  Tom, 你一定误解我了。(misunderstand)

4)  你介意离家这么久吗?(mind)

5)  油不容于水。(mix)

6)  观众被这部电影深深打动了。(move)

7)  你是哪一个国家的?(nationality)

8)  你当时没有必要急匆匆的。(need)

9)  被谋杀的女人在这个地区很有名气。(murder)

10)        有消息传来说他出了车祸。(news)


(nod– pair)



nature  motto  minus  necessary  model  miss  mild  modest  murder  network

1) A _________ of veins(动脉) and arteries(静脉) carries the blood around the body.

2) I’ll stay up all night, if _________ to get the job finished.

3) She is by ________ a very kind person. We all like her character.

4) The Olympic __________ is “Swifter, Higher, Stronger”.

5) 17 __________ 5 is 12.

6) The hotel is on the corner; it is very easy to notice or recognize. You can’t _________ it.

7) We had a ___________ winter last year. It wasn’t that cold.

8) Jason, an Olympic champion, is __________ about his achievement.

9) Wilson is accused of __________ the millionaire.

10) Chris always got to work early and left late --- He is a _________ employee.



1) He doesn’t seem to get the message __________ he’s not welcome here .

  A. which     B. what     C. whose     D. that

2) Don’t your parents mind _____________ out so late?

  A. you stay    B. you staying  C. you’re staying  D. you to stay

3) The soldier was lucky, the bullet narrowly ____________ her heart.

  A. avoided   B. left   C. missed   D. moved

4) A woman _______ him _______ a well-known actor, and asked him for his autograph(签名).

  A. mistook … for  B. mixed … for  C. mistook … with  D. mixed … with

5) _________ she entered the room, she knew there was something wrong.

  A. At once   B. The moment  C. In a minute  D. The time

6) The engine will need ____________.

  A. complete checking   B. being checked completely

  C. to check completely    D. to be completely checked

7) The street is named _________ the famous South African leader, Nelson Mandela.

  A. with   B. by   C. after   D. like

8) Thompson had two plans, _______ seems to have worked very well.

  A. both of them   B. neither of them   C. both of which  D. neither of which

9) I learned ___________ nothing at school --- the teachers were awful.

  A. next to  B. close to   C. nearby   D. beside

10) For the spoken language, students are taught by __________ speakers.

  A. national   B. native   C. natural  D. narrow

