0  446424  446432  446438  446442  446448  446450  446454  446460  446462  446468  446474  446478  446480  446484  446490  446492  446498  446502  446504  446508  446510  446514  446516  446518  446519  446520  446522  446523  446524  446526  446528  446532  446534  446538  446540  446544  446550  446552  446558  446562  446564  446568  446574  446580  446582  446588  446592  446594  446600  446604  446610  446618  447090 

38. A. proud        B wonderful     C golden         D colorful


37. A and          B. so           C but           D for


36. A something      B nothing           C an,/thing      D everything


32. His parents went abroad when he was very young. He was        by his aunt.

A. come out         B turned up      C. brought up   D taken down

33 It was what he did   what he said that moved us.

A except for         B. besides       C. instead           D. rather than

34   straight on and you’ll see a church. You won’t miss it

A. Go             B. Going   C If you go          D. When going

35-Do you mind if I open thewindow7.

-      I feel a bit cold

A. Of course not.   B. I'd rather you didn’t.   C. Go ahead. D. Why not?


One summer day my father sent me to buy wire(电线)for our farm At 16,I liked 36better than driving our truck 37this time I was not happy. My father had told me I’d have to ask for credit(赊账)at the store.

Sixteen is a 38  age. when a young man wants respect,not charity. It was 1976,and the ugly39of racial discrimination(种族歧视)was40 a fact of life. I’d seen my friends ask for credit and then stand. Head down while the store owner41whether they were “good for it” I knew black youths just like me who were42 like thieves by the store clerk each time they went into a grocery.

My family was 43 We paid our debts. But before harvest,cash was short. Would the store owner44us?

At Davis’s store. Buck Davis stood behind the cash desk. talking to a farmer. I nodded45

I passed him on my way to the hardware shelves. When l brought the48to the cash desk. I said 47. “l need to put this on credit. ”

The farmer gave me an amused,distrustful4 8But Buck’s face didn’t change “Sure,”he said48Your daddy is60good for it. “He51 to the other man “This here is one of James William’s sons”

The farmer nodded in a friendly52 I was filled with pride . James William's son. Those three words had opened a door to an adult’s respect and trust

That day I discovered that the good name my parents had53 brought our whole family the respect of our neighbors Everyone knew what to54from a Williams:a decent person who kept his word and respected himself55much to do wrong


31.    is Britain now used to be three different countries and over many years the three countries became one.

A. It                  B. What        C. Where            D. When


30. If a man   gain success In the future. he must devote himself to what he does.

A. will             B. is about to   C is going to          D. is to


26.   of the I and in that area   covered with trees and grass.

A. two fifth;is      B two fifth:are   C Two fifths;is         D. Two fifths;are

27 I can’t shut my eyes to the fact      he did is unacceptable.

A. that             B. what         C that what          D. which

28 Paper produced every year is       the world’s production of vehicles

A three times weight of            B three times the weight of

C as three times as heavy           D three times so heavy as

29 I believe     you’ve done your best and      things will improve soon.

A whether;that      B / ; that        C that;which        D. If;that


25. What a great gift he had   in local products!

A. for trading        B for trade       C to trade    D to trading


22. -Can look at the menu for a few more minutes before I decide?

 -Of course     sir

 A. Make yourself at home          B Enjoy yourself

 C. It doesn’t matter              D Take your time

 23 Coco Cola, in which much sugar     ,is not part of a       diet.

 A. contained,health             B. is found,healthy

 C. finding, well                 D. containing,nutritious

 24 No one knows how large      universe is,but      man has never given up the attempt to explore new stars and new planets.

 A. the;/          B/; the          C/:/       D the;the


21. -A cigarette, please?

 -No,thanks. I'm trying to      my smoking.

 A cut up           B. cut down      C. cut into       D. cut off

