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48. We all knew from the very _____ that the plan would fail.

A. outcome   B. outset   C. income   D. output

[答案] B. outset.

[注释] outset 开端, 开始, from the very outset (从一开始) 。outbreak爆发, 发生。outcome结局. income 收入。output 产量。


47. It is wrong for someone in such a high _____ in the government to behave too badly in public.

A. situation B. position  C. employment D. profession

[答案] B. position.

[注释]position 此句中指“地位” (不可数, 有时加不定冠词), 如:1) She was a woman of high position. 2) a high (low) position society.


46. The finance minister has not been so _____ since he raised taxes to such a high level.

A. popular B. well-known  C. favorable D. preferable

[答案] A. popular.

[注释]popular 此处意为“ (=liked and admired) 受爱戴的, 有名声或声望的”。


45. I left for the office earlier than usual this morning _____ traffic jam.

  A. in line with     B. in case of

  C. for the sake of   D. at the risk of

[答案] B. in case of.

[注释] in case of 参看Ⅲ,94注释。In line with (=in agreement with) 与......一致, 符合:His actions were not in line with his belief.本句中in line with...作表语。In line with history and social evolution socialism is inevitable.本句中in line with引导地短语作状语, 意为“按照”。For the sake of 为了......起见。At the sake of冒......的风险。


44. Do you mind if I _____ with my work while you are getting tea ready.

 A. get through  B. turn to  C. carry on D. come on

[答案] C. carry on.    [注释]carry on 继续, 参看Ⅲ,28。


43. The boy had a _____ escape when he ran across the road in front of the bus.

A. close   B. short   C. narrow   D. fine

[答案] C. narrow.  [注释]have a narrow escape 幸免遇难。


42. Keys should never be hidden around the house since thieves _____ know where to look.

A. virtually B. variously  C. unavoidably  D. invariably

[答案] D. invariably.

[注释]invariably 总是, 不变地。Virtually 事实上, 实际上。unavoidably不可避免地。


41. The Department is also deeply _____ in various improvement schemes.

A. connected   B. included   C. involved   D. implied

[答案] C. involved.

[注释]be involved in 参与。Be included in 包括在......中。


40. Jim's plans to go to college _____ at the last moment.

A. fell out B. gave away  C. gave off   D. fell through

 [答案] D. fell through,未能实现    [注释] 参阅III,49注释。


39. The old lady can't hope to _____ her cold in a few days.

  A. get over   B. get off   C. hold back   D. hold up

[答案] A. get over  [注释] 参阅III,55注释。

