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98. There were no tickets _____ for Friday's performance.

A. preferable  B. possible  C. considerable D. available

[答案] D. available.

[注释] available (=capable of being used; that may be obtained) 可利用的; 可以找到的:1) These tickets are available for one month. (这些票的有效期一个月。) 2) Is there a doctor available? (有否可以找到大夫?) 3) A limited number of seats are still available. (仍然还有少量座位。)


97. The rocks are very big with _____ of colors on them.

  A. bands   B. marks   C. rails   D. shapes

[答案] A. bands.

[注释] band (颜色与其余部分不同的) 条纹。Mark痕迹, 斑点; 记号, 标记。本题是讲岩石上色彩不同的“条纹”, 故用bands. rail (轨道) ,shape (形状) ,均不合题意。


96. The continuous rain was _____ for the exceptional poor harvest

  A. blamed   B. condemned   C. accused   D. charged

[答案] A. blamed.

[注释] blame sb./sth. for ... 因.......埋怨、责怪 .......:He blames you for neglect of duty. (他责怪你玩忽职守。) condemn 谴责、判刑。Accuse sb. of控告某人犯有.......。charge sb. with控告某人犯有......。


95. The shop-assistant was straight with his customers. If an article was of _____ quality, he'd tell them so.

  A. minor   B. humble   C. inferior   D. awkward

[答案] C. inferior

[注释] inferior详见III.400.注释.

本题译文:这位商店售货员对顾客很坦率。如果货物质量不好, 他就把情况告诉顾客。


94. What you have done is _____ the doctor's orders.

  A. attached to     B. resistant to

  C. responsible to   D. contrary to

[答案] D. contrary to.

[注释] (be) contrary to与.......相反, 违反 (作表语) :What you wish to do is contrary to the regulations. contrary to也可以作状语:a. If you act contrary to the doctor's advice, you won't get well again. b. Contrary to what I thought, he has proved to be successful. 2) 作定语:The boy was swimming in a direction contrary to the current. (这男孩朝着逆流方向游去。)


93. The police refused to _____ the clues they were working on.

A. exhibit   B. disclose   C. expose   D. discern

[答案] B. disclose.

[注释]disclose (=uncover; allow to be seen; make known) 透露, 使显露: 1) The lawyer disclosed the details of the case. 2) He disclosed that he had made arrangements to buy a new car. exhibit 展览, 展出, 显示, expose 暴露,discern 认出, 发现, 辨别,识别。



92. Driving a car without insurance can have _____ consequences.

A. uncertain B. disastrous  C. potential  D. unworthy

[答案] B. disastrous.

[注释] disastrous 灾难性的。


91. Probability is the mathematical study of the _____ of an event's occurrence.

A. desire  B. likelihood  C. result  D. effect

[答案] B. likelihood

[注释] 句意:概率是对事件发生的可能性的数学研究。


90. New mineral resources may be discovered during the forthcoming Antarctic _____.

A. excursion  B. execution  C. extraction  D. expedition

[答案] D. expedition.

[注释]expedition 远征, 探险; excursion 短途旅行, 游览; execution 实施, 执行; extraction 提取。


89. The government's strong action demonstrated its _____ to crush the rebellion.

A. energy B. resistance  C. courage D. determination

[答案] D. determination.

[注释] determination意为“决心”, 后常接动词不定式作定语。

