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3.    offer vt. 主动给予,提供;

 He offered me a glass of wine. 他端给我一杯酒。

They offered to help me. 他们表示愿意帮助我。

He offered to lend me some books.



2.    may/might as well (强调的劝告)不妨;最好

You may as well stay here for a few days. 你最好在这里停留几天。


1.    give up 放弃,戒绝

The girl gave up halfway.这女孩中途放弃。

I wish I could give up drinking.我真希望自己能戒酒。


6.    strategy n. 战略;战略学

He is an expert in military strategy.  他是军事战略专家。


The government adopted a strategy of massive deflation. 政府采取了大规模紧缩通货的策略。

Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice

Teaching aims: Vocabulary revision

       Grammar revision

Teaching main-points: Vocabulary and grammar revision in the process of the integration between the teacher and the ss

Teaching Crux: 1) SS’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar

       2) Teacher’s further explanation and supplement

Teaching materials & focuses:


5.    application  n. 应用,适用;运用

Biology has practical applications. 生物学有实用性。


I made an application for a loan. 我申请一笔贷款。


4.    aware  adj.知道的,察觉的 (常用搭配:be aware of, be aware+ that )

I am well aware that this is a tough job.


She was not aware of having done wrong.



3.    stick n.棍,棒,杖;手杖

Grandpa still walks without a stick. 爷爷走路仍不拄拐杖。

vt. 粘贴;张贴 伸,伸出

They stuck the notice on the wall. 他们把通知贴在墙上。

Don't stick your head out of the train window. 不要把头伸出火车窗外面。

被...难住; 被困住

Have you got stuck over your algebra? 你的代数题做不下去了吧?


2.    reject  vt. 拒绝,抵制

The plan was rejected. 该计划遭拒绝。


1.    allow  vt. 允许,准许(常用搭配:allow doing sth, allow sb to do sth)

Swimming is not allowed at this beach. 这片海滩禁止游泳。

She allowed us to smoke. 她允许我们抽烟。

Allow for 顾及,为。。。做准备

We'd better start earlier. We should allow for traffic delays.



7. potential  adj. 潜在的,可能的

The dispute has scared away potential investors. 这一争端吓走了潜在的投资者。


She has acting potential, but she needs training. 她有表演潜力,但需要训练。



一般的顺序为:动词 + 间接宾语 + 直接宾语。如:Give me a cup of tea, please. 强调间接宾语顺序为:动词 + 直接宾语 + to + 间接宾语。如:Show this house to Mr. Smith. 若直接宾语为人称代词:动词+ 代词直接宾语 + to + 间接宾语。如:Bring it to me, please.

在间接宾语的前面,不同的动词用不同的介词,有的用to , 有的用for.常用to  的动词是:bring, give, hand, lend, mail pass, read, tell, send, show, sell, throw, write, teach 等。而常用for 的动词有:buy, cook, do, find, get, make等。

如:Hand the salt to me, please. 请把盐递给我。

  She teaches English to advanced students. 她教高水平学生的英语。

She promised to lend some books to me. 她承诺要借我一些书。

Remember to write letters to me.  记得给我写信。

Unit 18  Inventions

Teaching aims: Vocabulary revision

       Grammar revision

Teaching main-points: Vocabulary and grammar revision in the process of the integration between the teacher and the ss

Teaching Crux: 1) SS’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar

       2) Teacher’s further explanation and supplement

Teaching materials & focuses:

