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10.either 表示“两者之中任何一个”, 作主语时, 谓语动词用单数; 作定语时, 修饰单数名词

     a. Here are two pens. You may use either of them.

     b. There are shops on either side of the street.

     c. Either of them is going there.


9.both表示“两者都”, 作主语时, 谓语动词用复数; 作定语时, 修饰复数名词


8.all 的用法: 作主语时, 谓语动词根据情况采取单数或复数; 作定语时,修饰[ U/C]

     a. All are here.大家都到了

     b. All is going on well.



   ①.表示“一个”, 如: one hour, one man

   ②.泛指不确定的人, 可译为“人们” “一个人”, 表此意时, 它的所有格是one’s, 反身代词是oneself

     a. One should be strict with oneself.

     b. One should serve his country wholeheartedly.

   ③.one / ones代替上文出现过的可数名词, 以避免重复

     a. He has a washer. I want to buy one too.

     b. Which shirt do you like? I like the red one.


6.each / every的用法:

   ①.each指 “每个”的个别的情况, 相当于汉语的 “各个”

   ②.every虽有“每个”的意思, 但常从整体出发, 强调共同性, 相当于“每个都”

     a. Every one of us has strong and weak points.(强调所有人都…)

     b. Each of us has strong and weak points.(强调每个都…)

   ③.主语中有each / every, 构成反意问句时, 多用复数变化., 如:

     a. Every student like the film, don’t they ?

     b. Each of us takes part in the activity, don’t we ?

   ④.every可以和not连用, each不可以

      a. Not every worker can do it.


5.few / little, a few / a little的用法: ( a ) few修饰或代替可数名词; ( a ) little修饰或代替不可数名词

     a. Few of them are good at skating.

     b. I met a few of my friends at the party.

     c. There is still a little milk in the bottle.

     d. Little remains to be said.


4.many / much的用法: many用来修饰或代替可数名词; much用来修饰或代替不可数名词

     a. Many students, many of the students.

b. Much has been done. / He has much to do. / He has much work to do.


3.no / none / no one的用法:

   ①.no =not any, 通常用作定语, 修饰可数或不可数

     a. There is no milk in the glass.

     b. He has no brother.

   ②.none代替可数名词作主语时, 谓语动词用单数或复数都可(参看“主谓一致”); none代替不可数名词作主语时, 谓语动词用单数

     a. None of the stories are / is interesting.

   ③. no one只泛指人, 不与of连用; none指人, 事, 物皆可, 可与of连用


2.some / any的用法:

   ①.some常用于肯定句中. some在下列情况下也用于疑问句: 表示请求或邀请; 期待肯定回答,或认为对方肯定回答的可能性很大时; 表建议时

     a. Could you lent me some money?

     b. Will you have some milk?

     c. Are you waiting for some friends?

     d. Would you lend me some books please ?

   ②.any常用于疑问句和否定句中; any用于肯定句中表示 “任何”; 与一些否定含义的词如: hardly, never, not, without等连用多用any

     a. I don’t have any ink.

     b. Do you have any ink?

     c. You can come and see me at any time.

     d. Any student can solve the problem.



   ①.不定代词作主语时, 要明确其究竟是单数还是复数, 如: both是复数, either / neither是单数, all则根据情况可作单数或复数

      a. Both of them are students.

      b. All were present at the meeting.

      c. All goes well.

   ②.不定代词作定语时, 要明确其修饰可数与不可数的问题, 如: many / few修饰可数名词; much / little修饰不可数名词; some / any既修饰可数也修饰不可数

   ③.all / both / each / everybody / everything等含有“全部”或“每个”意义的词与否定词not连用时, 通常表示部分否定. 全部否定时通常采用否定代词none, no one, nobody, neither, nothing等

     a. Not all ants go out for food. = All ants don’t go out for food.并不是所有的蚂蚁出去找食物

     b. None of them knew about the plan because it was kept a secret.

