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3. Don't mention that at the beginning of the story, or it

 may ____ the shocking ending.

   A. give away   B. turn away

   C. carry away   D. take away


2. Busy as he always is, he tries to spare some time to

 take a ____ to relax thoroughly in the sea.

   A. dip   B. lying

   C. enjoy   D. rest


1. I We can call arid discuss the business this evening, if

 you ____ fit.

   A. get   B. see

   C. keep   D. are


4. turn out 及与 turn 有关的一些动词词组

   turn out

   (1) 关上,关掉(灯等)

   (2) 聚集,召集,如参加公众活动或娱乐

   (3) 生产,制造(机器等)

  (4) 结果是,被证明是……

  (5) 赶出;使搬走;将……撵出去


  turn over 移交,交给;翻页;(使)翻身;推翻,翻倒

  turn to 找(某人寻求帮助);查阅;变成;转向

  turn up 出现;发牛;查阅(词典等);把(音量)调大;


  turn down 拒绝接受;把音量调小

  turn away 转身不看;拒不接受

  Please make sure that the lights go out if no one is in

  the room.

  Bob turns over most of his money he earns to his


  The whole school turned out to welcome the first

  Chinese astronaut -- Yang Liwei.



1. put out 及其相关短语

  1) 熄灭;关熄;扑灭

  Please put out the light before you go to bed.


  2) 使忧虑;激怒;困扰;麻烦(某人)

  3) 生产;出产;出版


  1) put through 接通电话

  Can you put me through to this number?

  2)put on v. 穿上;把……放在上面;装出,假装;增


  3) put up

  ① 举起;抬起;张开(伞)

  ② 张贴;公布

  Jasper has put up "No Parking" signs outside his gate,

  but these have not had any effect.

  ③ 接待;为……提供食宿;供膳宿

  4) put down

  ① 写下;记下

  Put it down to my account, please.

  ② 控制;击败;平定;取缔;镇压

  to put down the opposition

  5) put aside

  ① 节省(钱、时间);储蓄;储存……备用

  The young lovers have been trying to put some money

  aside for their marriage ceremony.

  ② 撇开;置之不理;把……放在一边

  The manager had to put his work aside for a time for

  an urgent accident.

  6) put away

  ① 储存(钱);储存……备用;储蓄(:put by)

  ② 吃掉;喝掉

  The boy put the food away in the cupboard after he

  finished his dinner.


2. look into 及其短语用法

  look into 向……的里面看,窥视;浏览;观察,调杏

  look like 看起来像;看来要,好像要

  look on 观看;面向,面朝;合读一本书;旁观;看待

  look out 向外望;注意,当心;挑出来

  look out for 当心,提防;照料;寻找

  look over 查看;过目

  look round 转回头看;到处寻找

  look through 从头看完,透视;审核,查看;温习

  look up (物价) 上涨;(形势)好转;查阅(字典,资料);


  look up and down 仔细打量(某人);到处寻找

  look upon(on)看作,认为是……(接as)

  look up to 敬仰,尊重

  I'm looking forward to seeing you this summer


  My friend looked after my cat while I was on holiday.

  -- Can you come on Wednesday?

  -- I'll just look in my diary to see if I'm free.

  Look out, there's a car coming.

  When you do not understand a word, you can look it

  up in this dictionary.


[考点l]含 off 的短语

① cut off 切下;切断;阻隔

② drive off / away 赶走.驱走

③ cool off / down 冷下来;冷静下来

④ take off 脱下;起飞;发迹

⑤ set off 出发;引爆,引发

⑥ break off 中断谈话;解除;折断

⑦ call off 取消

⑧ put off 推迟

⑨ knock off 下班;停止干活

⑩ be well off 富裕

⑩ take a day off 休一天假

⑩ jump off 跳高

⑩ turn off 关闭

⑩ die off 先后死去

⑩ Be off! 走开!滚开!

[例句] He cut off a small piece of bread and gave it to

me. 他切了一块面包给我。

The floods cut us off from our homes. 洪水阻断我们回


A crowd was driven off. 一群人被赶跑了。

It just takes time for passions to cool off. 热情冷却是需


lt was his popularity that made his business took off. 是


He broke off, and, looking up, saw the glitter of tears

in her eyes. 他停止谈话,抬头看时,发现她眼中噙着闪


The sports meet was called off due to the bad weather.


She was not well off and had a room to rent. 她不富裕,


[考例l](2005天津模拟) What a great weight the

mother felt ____ her mind the moment she found

her lost son!

   A. turned off   B. taken off

   C. set free   D. brought into


[答案与解析]B turn off 关闭。take off 除去;脱

去。set tee 释放。bring into 引进;吸收。题意是:当妈妈找到丢失的儿子时,心里沉重的担子卸掉了。


3. come out 与come 的其它词组用法

  come out 意为“出版;开花;结果如何;出来”等。

  come up 走过来;提及,被提出

  come about 发生

  come across 邂逅 (meet sb by chance)

  come true 变为现实

  come to 来到某地;得到……的结果;共计;涉及到

  Come at 扑向,冲向

  come around 恢复过来;到(这儿)来;平静下来

  come through 经历(危险)活下来;(电话)接到,(电


  How did the ball game come out?

  We splashed water on her face, and she soon came


  The flowers start to come out in spring.

[考点5]dip 短语

① take a dip (口) (在海水里等)洗个澡,泡一泡

② go for a dip (口)去(海水里等)洗个澡。泡一泡

③ have a dip (口)(在海水里等) 洗个澡,泡一泡

④ dip into 把……浸入(液体)中;浏览,翻阅一下

[例句] Let's take one more dip. 我们再下去泡一泡。

I haven't read that book properly; I've only dipped into

it. 确切地说我还没有看过这本书,我只是翻翻一下。

[考例5]You are doing your homework long. Stop and

go for a ____ in the river.

   A. breath   B. dip

   C. rest   D. swimming



[答案与解析]B  要知道要知道dip作为名词时的意



我们一般说:go for a swim,不说:go for a swimming。

[考点4]与 fit 有关的短语

① see / think fit to do 认为……正确/合适

② keep fit 保持健康

③ be fit for / to do 适合做

④ fit in with 与……相适应

⑤ fit...on... 给某人试穿……

[例句] The newspaper did not see fit to publish my Iet-

ter. 报社认为不宜刊登我的信件。

He keeps himself fit by running 5 miles every day. 他每


He's been ill and isn't fit for work yet. 他近日生病,尚


[考例4]I'll make any other changes I think ____

and send it back to Moore.

   A. fit   B. it fit

   C. to be fit   D. it to be fit


[答案与解析]A  题意是:我要做一些其他的我认为合



5. upset adj. & vt.

  (1) adj. 苦恼的,烦人的

  Jack was upset over her illness.


  He was upset to learn that he failed in the test.


  (2) vt. 使烦恼,使不适

  The foreign food upsets him.


  The news that we lost the game quite upset us.


[考点6]worry 的用法

▲ 构词:

① worried adj. 担心的.烦恼的

② worrying adj. 令人担忧的

▲ 搭配:

① worry about 担心;忧虑

② look / become / feel worried看起来/变得/感到焦


③ have a worried look 露出焦虑的神情

④ not to worry 别担心;咱们不必发愁

⑤ have a lot of worries 遇到了很多麻烦

▲ 句型:

① sb worry that-clause 担心…

② what worries sb (most) is that-clause / to do sth /

  doing sth 最使某人担心的是……

③ It worried sb. that... 什么事让某人担心

④ sb worry about sb / sth / doing sth / wh-从句

⑤ sth / sh worry sb. 某人 / 某事使某人担心

⑥ sb be / become / feel worried about.../ that clause 担


⑦ Don't worry. 别担心。

⑧ sb / sth is a (great, constant) worry (to sb) 某人或


⑨ make / get sb worried (about)... 使……焦虑;使


[考例6](2004重庆) Laws that punish parents for

their little children's actions against the laws get par-

ents ____.

   A. worried     B. to worry

   C. worrying   D. worry

[考查目标] 词的辨析与运用。

[答案与解析]A get曲worried相当于Sb / Sth wor-

ry sb (某人或某事使某人担心)。


[考点2]含 away 的动词短语

① take away 拿走;拆去;使离开;去除一do away with

② move away 离开;搬走

③ put away 收起来;存蓄

④ give away 送掉;赠与;泄露

⑤ turn away 走开;转过脸去;使离开

⑥ go away 走开

⑦ clear away 清理

⑧ get away from 逃离或摆脱开

[例旬]What takes you away so early? 为什么这么早就


I'll give you some pills to take away the pain. 我将给你


Your sister moved away from the city a long time ago.


His accent gave him away as a Highlander. 他的口音让


He shook my hand and turned away. 他握了握我的手.


[考例2](2004重庆)Before the war broke OUt many

people ____ in safe places possessions they could

not take with them.

   A. threw away   B. put away

   C. gave away   D. carried away

[考查目标] 此题主要考查动词短语辨义。

[答案与解析]B throw away 扔掉,carry away 运



[考点3]burn 短语

① burn down 烧毁(建筑物)

② burn up 烧毁;烧旺起来

③ burn out 烧坏;烧毁;耗尽;被火烧得逃出去

[例句] A fire burnt the house down. 一场火灾烧毁了这


The building was burnt down and only ashes were left.


Let us burn up all this waste paper. 我们把废纸烧了


He threw a log on the fire, and it burned up with a

crackle. 他往火堆加了一块木头,火就噼噼啪啪旺起来。

Bill burned himself out in the first part of the race and

could not finish. 比尔在赛跑开头时就耗尽了力气。因


▲辨析:burn down 指烧毁建筑物,down 有“倒下”之

意;burn up 指烧毁除建筑物以外的东西,up有“向上,


[考例3]Thousands of people were burned ____

and made homeless overnight.

   A. up   B. down

   C. out   D. off


[答案与解析]C  题意是:成千上万的人们被大火赶出



6. rate n. & v.

  (1) n. 比率,速度,价格

  At your present rate of working, you won't complete

  your task before Sunday.


  The birth rate is the number of births compared to the

  size of the population.


  (2) n. 评定,认为

  Yao Ming is generally rated as one of the best

  basketball players in the world.


  The company seems to rate her very highly.


[考点1]sight 的用法

▲ 搭配:

① at the sight of 一看/见到……(就……)

② at the first sight 乍一看;第一眼

③ have a good / poor eyesight = have good / bad sight


④ catch sight of 看到……;发现……

⑤ lose sight of 看不见……

⑥ lose one's sight 丧失视力;失明

⑦ out of sight…… 看不见了

⑧ (be) in sight……看得见

[考例1](1997上海) For miles around me there was

 nothing but a desert, without a single plant or tree


   A.in sight   B.on earth

   C.at a distance   D.in place


[答案与解析]A  in sight表示“看见”on earlh表示

“究竟、到底”(经常用于疑问句中);of a distance表示

“在远处”;in place表示“在适当位置”。


10. There is ... in the north / south / east / west.


[考点lO]decide 的用法

▲ 构词:decision n. 决定;决心

▲ 搭配:

① make a / one's decision 决定下来,下决心,作出决定

② come to / arrive at / reach a decision 作出决定

③ with decision 断然

▲ 句型:

① decide to do sth 决定干某事

② decide wh- to do sth 决定何时/如何/在哪里/是否/


③ decide on + sth / wh- to do sth / wh- clause

④ decide 后跟宾语从句,其含义是“断定”。

⑤ It has been decided that clause... …已决定

⑥ make decisions / a decision to do sth 决定干某事

▲ 辨析:decide; determine; make up one's mind





强。make up one's mind意为“决定.决心,认定”,多指



We must decide what to do next. 我们必须决定下一步


Have you determined where to go for your holiday?你


They have made up their minds to complete the task

ahead of time. 他们已决定提前完成任务。

[考例10] (2003上海春招) When and where to go for

the on ____ salary holiday ____ yet.

   A. are not decided

   B. have not been decided

   C. is not being decided

   D. has not been decided


[答案与解析]D“疑问句 + to do sth”作主语,其谓语




① sure enough 果真;确实

② strangely enough 说来也奇怪;奇怪得很

▲句型:(not) adj./ adv. enough to do sth


① too adj. / adv. (for sb) to do

② so adj. / adv. that + 主语 + V(否定形式)

肯定形式可与下列句型相转换:so adj. / adv. that +


My daughter is old enough to dress herself. 我女儿足够


The box is not light enough for me to lift. 这盒子不够


= The box is so heavy that I can't lift it. (注意两句中it


The boy is not old enough to join the army.= The boy

is so young that he can't join the army. = The boy is too

young to join the army. 这男孩太小不能参军。

Is the ice hard enough to skate on? 这冰足够结实的可


③ Would you be kind / good enough to do sth? 用于邀

  请对方千某事, 该句型相当于Would you be so kind

  / good as to do sth?

④ cannot / can never…enough无论怎样也不为过分

⑤ I have had enough. 我吃 / 喝好了。



I didn't have enough time to do the job. = I didn't have

time enough to do the job. 我没有足够的时间来做这工



They know well enough what we mean. 他们当然懂得


[考例4](NMET 2000) ____ to take this adven-

ture course will certainly learn a lot of useful skills.

   A. Brave enough students

   B. Enough brave students

   C. Students brave enough

   D. Students enough brave


[答案与解析]C  enough经常修饰形容词或副词作后

置定语,而brave enough又作后置定语修饰名词


[考点7]forget 的用法


① forget oneself 失去理智;忘乎所以

② forget aIl about...完全忘记


① forget sth 忘记;忘却

② forget to do sth 忘了要做某事(还没做)

③ forget doing sth 忘记了曾做过某事(已做过)

④ forget that.../ wh- 忘了……

⑤ Forget it. 不要提了。



调从某人的记忆中消失。常见结构有:forget sb. / sth;

forget to do sth (忘记干某事,动作未做);forget doing

sth(忘记曾干过某事);forget + 宾语从句(忘了某个事


leave sth + 地点状语。lose “丧失,遗失,丢失,失去”,含

有失去或不再拥有的意思。常见结构有:lose sb / sth;

lose one's work (失业);lose one's life(丧生);lose one's

way(迷路);lose one's voice(失音)。miss意为“未找


常见结构有:miss sth;miss doing sth miss还有“想念”


I have forgotten his address and telephone number. 我忘


After she had finished reading the magazine, she left it

in her office. 看完杂志后,她把它忘在办公室了。

He lost aIJ the money he had just borrowed from me. 他


Get up early tomorrow, or you'll miss the plane. 明天


[考例7](NMET 1991)

-- The light in the office is still on.

-- Oh, I forgot____.

   A. turning it off   B. turn it off

   C. to turn it off   D. having turned it off

[考查目标] 考查非谓语动词的用法。

[答案与解析]C  根据语境的内容.可以知道“我忘了


[考点2]insist 的用法

▲搭配:insist on / upon sth 坚持……

▲句型:insist on / upon doing sth

① insist on doing sth 坚持(要做某事);坚决要求(干某


② insist on being done (句子的主语承受该动作)

③ insist on one's doing sth (句子的主语坚持让别人做)

④ insist on one's being done

⑤ insist that clause 从句采用虚拟语气意为“坚持一定


⑥ insist that主语 + (should) + 动词原形(从句主语


⑦ insist that 主语 + (should)be + pp. ((从句主语承




⑧ insist that主语 + V(根据需要选时态)……

▲ 构词:

① insistence n. 坚持;主线;强调

② insistent adj. 坚决的;坚持的;迫切的

[考例2](2004江苏)The man insisted ____ a taxi

for me even though I told him I lived nearby.

   A. find   B. to find

   C. on finding   D. in finding

[考查目标] 考查固定短语。

[答案与解析]C  insist on doing sth为固定短语。

[考点11]keep 的用法

▲ 构词:

① keeper n. [C] 饲养员,看护人;管理人;看守人

② keeping n. 保存;保管;管理

▲ 搭配:

① keep (...) out (of...) 使(……)不进入(……),遮挡

② keep up with the times 与时俱进

③ keep on 继续

④ keep back 留下;克扣

⑤ keep off 避开,让开;不靠近,不接近;禁止接近

⑥ keep on doing 不断地做……;继续做……

⑦ keep up 保持;维持;继续;不使……低落

⑧ keep out (留在外面;不进入)

⑨ keep away from... 远离……

⑩ keep in touch with... (与……保持联系)

⑩ keep sth in mind 记住;想着

⑥ keep watch (守望)

⑩ keep order (维持秩序)

⑩ keep one's promise (遵守/履行诺言)

⑩ keep a hotel / school (开旅馆/办学校)

⑩ keep a diary (记/写日记)

⑩ keep the gate (守门)

⑩ keep house (管理家务)

⑩ keep one's balance (保持平衡)

⑦ keep the balance of nature 保持生态平衡

⑨ keep a record (作记录)

④ keep an / one's eye on sb / sth (密切注意,留神,看


⑦ keep warm (保暖)

④ keep silent (保持沉默)

⑤ keep fit / healthy (保持健康)

④ keep quiet (保持安静/不说话)

⑤ keep still (站着不/别动)

▲句型:keep + 宾语 + 宾补



① keep doing sth 不间断地持续做某事,多用于表示决


② keep on doing sth持续做某事,中间略有停顿,常用


③ keep (on) doing sth 均不能接意识性动词,如 know-

  ing, realizing, understanding 等。

④ keep on doing sth 中的 doing 不能用静态性动词,如

  sitting, lying, sleeping 等。

⑤ keep doing sth 中的 doing 可以是 lying,standing等


⑥ keep sb / sth from doing sth 阻止某人干谋事比较:

  keep sb/sth doing sth让某人一直不停地干某事

⑦ keep sb. busy doing sth / keep sb busy with sth 使某



-- Mummy, can I put the peaches in the cupboard?

-- No, dear. They don't ____ well. Put them in the

  fridge instead.

   A. keep   B. fit

   C. get   D. last

[考查目标] 动词搭配。

[答案与解析]A  keep在本题中的含义是“保存,存

放”,即in the cupboard与in the fridge时比可以得出


[考点8]leave 的用法


① left adj. 剩下的;留下的

② school-leaver n. 毕业生


① leave for 离开前往

② leave out 省掉;漏掉;遗漏;不考虑

③ leave sb alone / by oneself 把某人单独留下

④ leave school 毕业

⑤ leave a message 留个信

⑥ (be)on leave 休假

⑦ leave...behind 把……遗留在

⑧ ask for leave 请假

⑨ a three-day leave = a three days' leave 三天假期


① leave sb sth 使某人成为……;给某人留下……

② leave + 宾语 + 宾语补足语(使让表达)使让……;留


③ leave sth + 地点状语“把某物忘/落在某地”

④ leave sh / sth where he / she / it is / they are 别管;


⑤ There's (no)...left (for sth) 剩(没剩)……干某事

⑥ There's (no)...left (for doing sth) 还留/剩下(没留/


⑦ leave sb / sth to / with sb = leave sth to sb to do 把


⑧ leave sb alone at home 把某人一个留在家

▲ 辨析:forget; leave; lose; miss (见本讲考点7)

[考例8](NMET 2003)lf anybody calls, tell them I'm

out,and ask them to ____ their name and address.

   A. pass   B. write

   C. take   D. 1eave

[考查目标] 动词的运用。

[答案与解析]D 根据句子的意思可以得知,“有人打




① in need of 需要

② meet / satisfy / fill one's need(s) /  the need(s) of sb



① have a / no need to do sth (不)需要做某事

② There is a / no need (for sb) to do sth (某人)有/没


③ 主语 + need(s) doing = 主语 + need(s) to be done


④ need sb to do sth 需要某人做某事

⑤ There's a great /  growing need for / of sth……的需


⑥ if need be = if it is necessary 如果需要的话

▲友情提示: My watch needs repairing. = My watch

needs to be repaired. 我的手表需要修理。

[考例5](2002上海春招)Since you have repaired my

TV set, ____ is no need for me t0 buy a new one.

   A. it   B. there

   C. this   D. that


[答案与解析]B There is no need (for sb) to do sth表


[考点3]practice / -se的用法(Am:practice)


practical adj. 实际的,实践的;实用的;有实际经验的,


practicable adj. 行得通的


① in practice 事实上,实际上;在实践中

② out of practice 疏于练习

③ social practice 社会实践

④ practice doctor / medicine 挂牌行医

⑤ internationel practice 国际惯例

⑥ from practice to knowledge 由实践到认识

⑦ with / without practice (不)进行实践

⑧ put...into practice 付诸实践

⑨ a practical lawyer = a practiced lawyer = an experi-

  enced lawyer 经验丰富的律师

⑩ practical activities 实践活动

⑩ a practical proposal 切实可行的建议


① practice(doing)sth 练习(做)……

② It takes...practice to do sth 花费大量……练习干

[考例3](NMET 1992)We have worked out the plan

and nOW we must put it into____.

   A. fact   B. reality

   C. practice   D. deed


[答案与解析]C  put sth into practice为固定短语。


▲构词:preference n. [C;U] 偏爱(的事物);喜欢(的事


▲ 搭配:

① prefer...to...比起……更喜欢……

② in preference to 优胜于,胜过

③ show / have(a great)preference for偏爱


① prefer sth 更喜欢……

② prefer to do sth 宁愿干某书;宁可干某事 / prefer

  doing sth 宁愿干某事;宁可干某事

③ prefer doing sth to doing sth

④ prefer sb. to do sth 宁可宁愿让某人做某事

⑤ prefer to do...rather than (to) do... 宁愿干……而


⑥ 主语 + prefer + that + sb + (should) do 宁可……

[考例9](NMET 1994) Rather than ____ on a

crowded bus, he always prefers ____ a bicycle.

   A. ride; rode   B. riding; ride

   C. ride; to ride   D. to ride; riding

[考查目标] 考查固定句型。

[答案与解析]C  prefer to do sth rather than do sth 为

固定句型,本题将 rather than 部分提前到前面。

