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例1、More than a dozen students in that school ____ abroad to study medicine last year.

   A. sent          B. were sent          C. had sent       D. had been sent


[解析] be sent abroad 被派往国外。

例2、By the end of last year, another new gymnasium_________ in Beijing.

A. would be completed        B. was being completed

C. has been completed        D. had been completed


[解析]如:by意为“到……为止”。by后加过去时间,主句用过去完成时,如by后加现在时间,用现在完成时,如by后加将来时,主句要用将来完成时。by the end of last year常与过去完成时连用。表示到过去某个时候前已完成的动作。

例3、When and where to go for the on-salary-holiday_________ yet.

A. are not decided          B. have not been decided

C. is not being decided        D. has not been decided


[解析]  根据副词yet可确定用现在完成时,可排除A、C;不定式,动名词及从句作主语,谓语动词按单数处理,when and where to do sth.表示单数,要用has not been decided。

例4、He will have learned English for eight years by the time he _______from the university next year.

A. will graduate        B. will have graduated

C. graduates           D. is to graduate


[解析]  “by the time”后接定语从句,省略了关系副词when。在这种定语从句中要用一般现在时表示将来。译文:到明年他毕业之前,已经学了八年英语。

例5、Rainforests _______and burned at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in the near future.

A. cut     B. are cut     C. are being cut     D. had been cut


[解析]  这句话的意思是“雨林正在以那么快的速度被砍伐和烧掉以至于在不久的将来它们将会消失。”从句子的语境they will disappear from the earth in the near future可以判断,要用被动语态的现在进行时。表示现在正在发生的事对将来可能造成的影响。

例6、How I wish every family _______ a large house with a beautiful garden!

A. has     B. had     C. will have     D. had had


[解析]  wish后接从句常用虚拟语气,表示这只是说话人的一种愿望。具体用法:如果从句中动作与现在事实相反应用过去式,与将来事实相反用would/could+动词原形;与过去事实相反用过去完成式或would/could+have done。译文:我多么希望每个家庭都住上带有漂亮花园的大房子。 

例7、The new suspension bridge ________ by the end of last month.

A. has been designed        B. had been designed

C. was designed           D. would be designed


[解析]  在含有by引导的表示过去意义的时间状语的句子中,谓语动词要用过去完成时。译文:到上月为止已完成了吊桥设计。 

例8、-How are you today?

-Oh , I__________ as ill as I do now for a very long time.

A.didn't feel   B.wasn't feeling    C.don't feel    D.haven't felt


[解析]  现在完成时表示从过去的某个时候开始一直延续到现在的动作或状态。从句子的意思可知,从过去某个时候开始,已经病了很长时间了。 

例9、-Hey, look where you are going!

-Oh, I'm terribly sorry. ________.

A. I'm not noticing         B. I wasn't noticing

C. I haven't noticed        D. I don't notice


[解析]  表示刚才没有注意到,要用过去进行时。一般现在时表示经常性的动作;现在完成时表示过去所做的事对现在造成的影响或从过去某个时候一直延续到现在的动作,即现在也没有注意到;现在进行时表示现在正在进行的动作,这三个时态显然不符合句意。

例10、A new cinema _______here. They hope to finish it next month.

A. will be built    B. is built    C. has been built    D. is being built


[解析]  根据They hope to finish it next month.说明电影院还在建设之中,所以从时态上讲是进行时;另外从语态上讲为被动语态。 

3.    巩固练习

Direction: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A. B. C and D. Choose the best answer that completes the sentence.


5、get常与marry, beat, break, tear, hurt, repair, dress, pay等动词的过去分词连用,构成被动语态,一般指动作的结果。

例如:These workers got paid by the hour.

The little baby got quickly dressed.


4、不及物动词及部分由不及物动词构成的短语不用于被动语态。常见的词和短语有:appear, rise , die , happen , occur , lie , belong to , break out , take place等。

例如:This book belongs to him.

A fire broke out last night.


3、某些动词在表示主语特征和性质时为不及物动词,但在表示动作时为及物动词。常见的此类动词有:wash , write , sell , read , open , cut , lock , shut 等。 The clothes he bought yesterday washes well.


2、现在完成时与一般过去时都表示动作发生于过去,但现在完成时强调结果, 一般过去时强调动作。

例如:-Have you been to the Great Wall ?

-Yes , I have .


1、有些表示状态、情感、感觉的动词没有进行时。例如:be , like , want , love , hear, wish , hope等。

例如:I hope he will come back soon.


第三节         实战演练



(1)    一般现在时  

构成:助动词am/ is/are + 动词的过去分词

例如:This kind of car is made in Shanghai.

    English is spoken in many countries.

(2)      一般过去时

构成:助动词was/were + 动词的过去分词

例如:The bridge was built in 1992.

    Was this novel written by his father?

(3)      一般将来时

构成:will be 或be going to + be + 动词的过去分词

例如:These books are going to be posted tomorrow.

    The baby will be taken good care of in the hospital.

(4)      现在完成时

构成:助动词have/has + been + 动词的过去分词

例如:Has his work been finished?

    We haven’t been invited to the party.

(5)      现在进行时

构成:be + being + 动词的过去分词

例如:A new bridge is being built in my hometown.

    The problem is being discussed by the students.


构成:情态动词 + be + 动词的过去分词

例如:Can this walkman be repaired here?

Your composition must be handed in tomorrow.




Street lights are often turned on at six in winter.  

The new test book will be used next term.


This kind of bicycle is not sold in our shop.

The thief was caught by a policeman yesterday.

(3)含有双宾语的句子,主动句中的间接宾语或者直接宾语都可变为被动语态中的主语,另一个保留不变。变为主语的若是主动句中的直接宾语,间接宾语前则需加介词to 或for。

例如:The pianist gave the pupils some advice.

           间接宾语 直接宾语

→The pupils were given some advice by the pianist.

→Some advice was given to the pupils by the pianist.


例如:The boss made them work ten hours a day.

   →They were made to work ten hours a day by the boss.

    A boy saw him enter the house.

     →He was seen to enter the house.




The man was fooled by the two boys.

The book has been translated into several languages.

