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3. D。形容词的考查出现在单项选择中,常考的是common, regular, normal等近义词的辨析。typical语义指某一个体类型的见的最多的最基本特征。(most usual characteristic of a type) 形容词考查考生既要注意近义词之间细微的区别,同时也要注意与介词的搭配等。It’s typical of something/somebody to do…做某事是某人(某物)最典型的特征。


2. C。该题考查了三个语法内容:第一不使用冠词的情形;第二词序;第三no的用法。在高考中一个语法要点在考查时兼顾考查其他要点,是很常见的。当such 与some,other, these/those, no等代词使用时,such 置于这些代词之后。No 修饰名词时,相当于not a 或者not any.


1. A。冠词的考查一直都是学生最难掌握的语法项目。它涉及的内容非常广:名词形式,不定冠词和定冠词的用法。掌握冠词其实就是掌握三个方面的考查:一般用法;特殊使用情况和习惯用法。a change for the worse/ better 就是一个习惯表达,“向更糟/更好的方面变化”。英语中这种搭配也比较多;in health在身体方面。health是不可数名词,一般不加冠词。但我们也要注意有很多抽象或物质名词在被形容词修饰时一般加不定冠词 “a”, 如:a special paper; a rising sun等。


15. Just now I got an e-mail from my girl friend, _________ indicated that she was going to teach in Tibet.

A. who        B. what        C. which           D. it

答案:1-5 ACDBA  6-10 DCACD  11-15 ACBDB



14. --- Any chance of you helping water the garden?

  --- ________. You can see how busy I am now. 

A. Sounds bad     B. Never mind me   C. That all depends  D. Forget it


13. Excuse me, but would you please show me that ________ toy bear? Thank you.

A. red beautiful glass           B. beautiful red glass 

C. beautiful glass red           D. red glass beautiful


12. After that we never saw her again, nor _____ from her.

A. did we hear     B. we heard    C. had we heard        D. we have heard


11. Survey shows that designer clothes _________ much in the smaller towns.

A. aren’t really sold  B. wasn’t really sold  C. don’t really sell  D. won’t really sell


10. As a young engineer, he ______ stay up late into the night working on his design during his stay in that company.

A. would          B. should         C. must            D. could


9. ---Your neighbor’s house was broken into last night. Where ____?

  ---I met an old friend of mine and came back very late, say, this morning.

A. were you     B. have you been    C. did you go       D. had you been

